I understand that the project sponsor will be relying on my certification as to if I am an accredited investor or not, in making opportunities available to me. I agree to immediately inform the project sponsor of any change to my status as an investor.
I further understand that these investments are only open to accredited investors and that during that investment process, I will be required, by the United States Securities Regulations, to provide or upload documents which support my certification above that I qualify as an accredited investor.
If these documents cannot be provided, I understand that I will be redirected to other offerings that welcome non-accredited investors.
By submitting this form above I acknowledge I have read this agreement and accept the terms and conditions and I understand that investment opportunities posted on this portal are speculative investments and I may lose the entire investment amount.

About Investing
For decades, the ultra-wealthy and financial institutions have been putting their money to work in real estate—now at JP Capital Solutions, you can too. We provide access to a professionally managed, diversified portfolio of income-producing multifamily real estate.
Benefit from Our Experience
Investors receive the benefits and access that come from being part of a professional investment firm without the high fees and high minimums of traditional real estate investing.
Access Institutional Quality Real Estate
Get access to an investment opportunity previously available only to institutions and high net worth investors.
Cash-Flow without the Volatility
We seek out investments that can produce regular, predictable cash flow with returns from income and appreciation, regardless of stock market volatility.